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N/R: 2 Covid19 Patients Escape After Testing Positive

Two covid19 patients have been reported to have escaped after their test results proved positive in the Northern region

The Northern Region Health Directorate Dr. John B. Eleeza, indicated that the two patients escaped last week Tuesday, May 19, 2020

According to him, a search has been mounted to spot the missing patients but all effort to trace their whereabouts has since proved Futile.

Dr. John B. Eleeza revealed that the missing patients were among other 10 samples which were sent to KCCR for test on Wednesday, April 22, 2020.

He stated after the test results came in on Friday, May 15 their trace was not able to be found.

Several incidents have already been reported as Covid19 patients escaped from isolation centers and people have therefore blamed it on how patients become afraid of stigmatization
