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93% of University Students wants Universities to re-open – survey report reveals

More than ninety percent of University students in Ghana wants government to ease restrictions to enable them go back to school.
This was revealed through a survey by a senior research fellow at the Centre for Social Science Research(CSSR) at the Kumasi Technical University(KsTU), Dr Sarpong Smart.
The conclusion was drawn from an online survey of 2670 students from the three steams of delivery in the Kumasi Technical University (ie. Regular, Evening and Weekend).
Early March, 2020, the President, Nana Akufo-Addo locked down schools and churches, placing a ban on social gatherings across the country. This was done to as a means to disarm the coronavirus pandemic.
However, the lockdown has been lifted while ban on social gathering remains in full force. 
Government position
Government says schools will not reopen soon regardless of the spike in COVID-19 cases in the country, saying, ‘a number of stakeholder consultations are being held in that regard’.
Some stakeholder groups and individuals have pressed home calls to reopen schools.
But government have advised these Stakeholder groups and parents to channel their energies finding possible ways of resolving the COVID-19 

Click here to read full report 
